Accommodation options in O Grove
An important part of your stay at O Grove is the accommodation during the weeks you’re staying with us. At Escuela Rías Bajas we help you find accommodation, we offer shared or private appartments. Another option is staying with a local family. If none of these options suits you, we can also recommend you hotels or pensions that partner with us to offer you a special price for your stay.
We want you to feel at home with us. That’s why we are constantly assessing the quality of our accommodation offer, by constantly checking the appartments and asking students and hosts for feedback.
Accommodation options we offer
- Shared appartments – Cheap and affordable. You will meet other students that will be your flatmates. The perfect opportunity for practising Spanish.
- Private appartments – If you are coming with your family or just with a group of friends this is an excellent option.
- Accommodation with a Spanish family – This is an option we really recommend. Immerse yourself 100% in the life of O Grove by living with a Spanish family.
- Hotels and pensions – If you prefer the hotel option we can recommend the best ones in O Grove. Feel free to ask in case you want a different type of accommodation (camping for instance)